Wednesday, June 2, 2010

happy birthday, rustam!

Today is my brother-in-law's, HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RUSTAM!!

I knew who Rustam was before I ever met him. I love gymnastics and watched pretty much every televised national and international competition of the 1990s. SO, I knew who Rustam Sharipov was - in fact, I was a fan! There was just something I liked about this little guy with the fuzzy/spiky hair.

He was good, of course, and he just seemed to work so hard - it didn't look like it came quite as easily or naturally to him as it did for some of his teammates. He was good, though. He competed for the Soviet Union - the powerhouse of the Cold War - and was one of only 6 men on the Unified Team (i.e., former USSR) that took gold at the 1992 Olympics. After the 1992 Olympics, Rustam competed for Ukraine, becoming European, World, and Olympic Champion on the Parallel Bars in 1996. He also led his team to the Bronze Medal and placed 8th in the All-Around at the 1996 Olympic Games. He's one pretty impressive guy.

He has since retired from competitive gymnastics, and is now the Assistant Coach for the 8-time NCAA Champion Mens Gymnastics Team at the University of Oklahoma. He is not only an incredible athlete; he is an amazing coach.

Obviously, Rustam is very impressive....anyone can see that. But, while it is super-cool to be related to a two-time Olympic Champion, that's not the main reason I love this guy. In fact, there are many things I love and admire about Rustam. He is an incredibly hard worker and he is extremely competitive. He truly believes that "impossible is nothing." He is always doing something. He is never afraid to try new things and doesn't shy away from something for fear of looking silly or of failing. He doesn't hide his excitement when he's doing something fun. One thing I most admire is his commitment - once he decides something, that's it - it's done and there's no looking back or second-guessing. He always gets things done. I often decide to do something, but then put it off or wait 'til later, but not Rustam. He just does it. I wish I were more like that.

Rustam is a great father. He is kind and generous and never hesitates to help anyone in any way at any time. He always offers sincere best wishes on birthdays and New Year. He is smart and talented and fun and funny; he always makes me smile. He is forever mixing in Russian when he talks (especially when he's frustrated) and I love his turns of phrase (e.g., "Why you do that?" "What time it is?"). And, of course, he has a super-cool accent. Rustam makes me laugh. He can be a bit goofy and he is a kid at heart. He'll dance in a robe and a cowboy hat or climb into the kids' wagon and let them pull him around. I love that he is always willing to join in our traditional family Christmas productions, no matter how goofy the script or ridiculous the stunts and special effects. Whatever the part, he plays it with gusto.

Rustam is also thoughtful. One of my most prized possessions is a beautiful poem he wrote me for Christmas a couple of years ago. It was lovely and thoughtful and wonderful...and I got it in English and Russian! I love that Rustam accepts me - as silly and chatterbox-y and loud and obnoxious as I often am, he always makes me feel welcome and loved. He judges me not on my outward appearance, but on my heart, and I love him for that.

But, mostly, I love Rustam for loving my sister. My sister Amber is one of the most amazing, talented, kind, thoughtful, caring, selfless and beautiful people in the world. She is my best friend and a mother to everyone. But, for so much of her life I think she felt invisible. I prayed that someone would realize how wonderful she is...and Rustam did. He saw her. He saw her and she came into color. And for that, I will love him forever.

Happy birthday and all the best wishes to you, Rustam! I am so glad you are my brother.


  1. What a nice tribute to Rustam, Sariah! So well said--I can't wait to show him!

  2. Sariah,
    You always know how to put feelings into words. Thanks for posting what everyone in the family feels, but can't quite articulate as well as you. We love Rusty Shiny-poo!!!

    P.S. Will you please write my eulogy?


  3. He did bring Amber into color...what a beautiful turn of phrase. Thanks for taking the time to write this--it brings him to life!
